How long does the free shipping take?
1 to 5 business days anywhere in the USA. Orders placed before 10:00am are shipped the same day and the rest are shipped the next business days.
1 to 5 business days anywhere in the USA. Orders placed before 10:00am are shipped the same day and the rest are shipped the next business days.
Super easy. Just apply here and you’ll have your restaurant account in minutes. Start selling the finest food from Spain right away.
You just need to provide your name, the name of your restaurant, address, phone number and email. We might have to ask you a few more simple questions once we receive your application. Just apply here and you’ll have your restaurant account in minutes.
To place a restaurant order, login here with your restaurant credentials from your smartphone or computer, select the products you want and pay with credit card or Paypal and we’ll ship it to your restaurant’s door in 1 to 3 business days. If you do not have a restaurant account, you can open one here
You can pay at the time of the purchase with credit card or PayPal. We don’t give credit for now. Checkout Page Open Restaurant Account
We sell to many different types of restaurants but mainly small to medium size high-end restaurants. Wine bars, Tapas, Bistro, Spanish, Italian, French, Mediterranean… Apply for a Restaurant Account